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  • Imbue creates a new rare item out of the base item you want to Imbue. The stats of the base item do not matter as it is only used to determine what type of rare item will result from using Imbue. Also, the quality of the item used (Superior, Normal, Damaged, etc.) does not affect the new item.
  • Charsi is an NPC found in the Rogue Encampment. She sells armor and weapons and offers repairs. Charsi gives the Tools of the Trade quest, and the imbue item reward upon completion of it. Even though the Sisters of the Sightless Eye are known for their skills with a bow, Charsi passes the time by hammering a scimitar on her forge.

She now offers to imbue ONE item of yours with a special magic. Choose something durable that you'll be sure to want to keep with you. From the Barracks you go down to Jail Level 1 which is a waypoint. There are Tainteds which are large bull-like creatures, Pitspawn and fouldogs. To make sure you get a good imbue take your save file and copy it to another place( folder, disk, cd, etc.) Then have charsi imbue whatever you want. If you don't like the results delete the save in the diablo2 folder and put the other one in. The repeat until you like the item you get.

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The demon called The Smith stole Charsi's Horadric Malus, which can imbue weapons with powers.

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Act I: Tools of the Trade[edit]

  • Quest Name: Tools of the Trade
  • Act:Act I
  • Triggered By: Reaching the Monastery Gates
  • Given by:Charsi the Blacksmith
  • Location: The Smith's room in the Barracks
  • Reward: Charsi will imbue an item for you. This means take any normal item and make it into a Rare with random stats, based on your Clvl.
  • Quest Priority: Not a mandatory quest, but the reward is valuable.

The Smith and Malus found by Sorceress.

When Charsi fled the Monastery she left behind her Horadric Malus, an enchanted smithing hammer. If you can retrieve it for her, she will use its magic to strengthen your weapons. The Malus is guarded by the Smith.

When you get near the Barracks, Charsi will be activated to ask you to retrieve a smithing hammer she had to leave in the Monastery when they fled the sudden invasion of demons lead by Andariel. You need to find the inner room (in a random location each game) of the Barracks level (first level inside the Monastery) with the forge and the hammer on a stand. Note, the player character must be at least level 8 on all difficulties in order to interact with the stand, acquire the Malus and complete the quest. It is guarded by the Smith, a large boss monster reminiscent of the Butcher from Diablo I. He will pursue you at a high rate of speed and is a pretty nasty fight. He hits very hard and has a lot of hit points. You however do not need to kill him, you can just dodge around him and grab it from the stand. Once you return to town and click on Charsi she'll claim the hammer, even if you have it in your stash.


The Smith can't open doors, so if you are a ranged attacker and can't take him toe to toe (which is pretty likely unless you have extremely good equipment for your level) you can lead him through the Barracks to one of the barred walls or corners, such as the one around the steps leading down, and close the door. He'll pace on the other side of it, but won't open the door, giving you free shots.


The Imbue Quest is a very valued one, more so in D2 than D2X, where Rare items aren't as big a deal. This one should be executed at specific levels, depending on which type of item you are going to Imbue, and what you want on it. Read the Imbuing Guide for more details.

Quest Dialogues[edit]


When I fled the Monastery, I left behind the Horadric Malus, my enchanted smithing hammer. If you can retrieve it for me, I'll use its magic to strengthen your equipment.

After Activation[edit]

Diablo 2 Charsi Imbue
The retrieval of the Horadric Malus is not without risk. Our Monastery is filled with voracious hellspawn. You'd best be careful, my friend.
The Monastery can confuse even those who know it well. Stay alert in there.
The Malus was forged and enchanted by the ancient Horadric Mages during the Sin Wars. When their union dissolved, the Malus was entrusted to the Sisterhood guarding the pass into the East.
Charsi talks of nothing anymore, but this Horadric Malus. Between you and her my ears need a rest.
Just find it and bring it back quickly.
Charsi is wasting her time and talents using an inferior hammer! Had she the Horadric Malus, she could make the steel sing and craft you a suit of armor as impenetrable as the Great Eye.
Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, or a draughtsman pen and paper, so Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with which to ply her trade.


If you can't carry out this quest, how will you face the greater evils ahead?
The Malus is a Horadric artifact of great power. Please bring it back.
The Malus has eluded you so far. Well, search thoroughly in the Barracks.. That is where the Rogues kept their forge.
Diablo 2 charsi imbue guide
I have heard that you bear us no Malus.
To do battle with Andariel requires more than thick skin and a strong will. You'll want armor and weaponry forged with the hammer's enchantments.

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Well done, my friend. But remember, the return of the Horadric Malus is but one step in reclaiming the Monastery.
Oh! Thanks so much for returning the Horadric Malus! I will now imbue one of your items with magical powers.
The magical effects imbued by the Malus are impossible to predict, but are always to the good.
I guess it's too late to take back some of the names I called you.
Now that the Horadric Malus is back in our possession, we shall use it to deliver a great blow against the Evil which torments this land.
I am glad the hammer has returned and you with it.

Quests of Diablo II - Quest Items[e]
Diablo II Lord of Destruction

Act I
• Den of Evil
• Sisters' Burial Grounds
• The Search for Cain
• The Forgotten Tower
• Tools of the Trade
• Sisters to the Slaughter

Act II
• Radament's Lair
• The Horadric Staff
• Tainted Sun
• Arcane Sanctuary
• The Summoner
• The Seven Tombs

• The Golden Bird
• Blade of the Old Religion
• Khalim's Will
• Lam Esen's Tome
• The Blackened Temple
• The Guardian

Act IV
• The Fallen Angel
• Hell's Forge
• Terror's End

Act V
• Siege on Harrogath
• Rescue on Mount Arreat
• Prison of Ice
• Betrayal of Harrogath
• Rite of Passage
• Eve of Destruction

• Uber Diablo Quest
• Pandemonium Event
Note: These quests spawn
only on the realms.

• Secret Cow Level

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