The Misanthropic Luciferian Order (MLO) is an occult order founded in Sweden in and later renamed to Temple of the Black Light. The MLO released Liber Azerate, a modern grimoire written by the order’s. Liber Azerate: The Book of Wrathful Chaos. 18 likes. Book. Does anyone have *ANY* information about the M.L.O. (Misanthropic Luciferian Order) and their book “Liber Azerate”? By the way, does.

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I realize that there is a battle between Chaos and order, and I realize my part in the battle. Civilizations were spawned, and great inventions were made.

Liber azerate pdf Posted on November 20, 2019 by admin The Misanthropic Luciferian Order (MLO) is an occult order founded in Sweden in and later renamed to Temple of the Black Light. AUTHORED BY: ‘BLACK DRAGON’ (A contribution to this blog for a basic understanding of Liber Azerate. This is a Collocation between the text in Liber Azerate and the author of the article in her own words)————————————————DISCLAIMER: This article is for a better understanding for those interested.

Liber Azerate English Pdf


They claim that they only use magick for altruistic purposes. This occult -related article is a stub. Attera Totus Sanctus Here me now, for I am the great accuser. This Anti-Cosmic transcending can only be reached through the awakening, strengthening and the raising of the Black Lober, or the Black Dragon, that lies dormant in the souls of the strong. The Demiurge had one goal: What Marduk aezrate not realize was that because humans had the blood of Kingu, they would eventually turn against him.

Life on Earth Man began to evolve on Earth. Many reasons could be given. The Satanic Creed To be a Satanist, one must swear themselves to the anti-cosmic gods, and to their brothers and sisters. libr

These plans led to the defection of lbier members of the MLO, who did not want to take part in any assassination, or who feared for their own lives. I am speaking of individuals who purchase books such as this and know nothing of it’s teachings or even azerat comprehend the ideas and information held within. The anti-cosmic gods are as follows: BlackDragon Thank you very much.

Frater Nemidial

A lot of people claim knowledge or understanding of Chaosophia, not realizing the dead-seriousness of the matter. Marduk needed a creation to rule over to satisfy his thirst for power.

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It is merely information that could have been used by someone else that happens to azeeate in the hands of someone who really can care less about it. If you cannot divorce yourself from hypocrisy, you will never be a Satanist. In the beginning, there was nothing but the energy of Chaos. Azerate is szerate esoteric name of the eleven anti-cosmic powers wich is spoken of in both the sumerian chaos-gnosticism and the kliffotic anti- kabbalah.

Satanism is about crossing boundaries and moral limitations. But later, as it became more and more popular, the system absorbed it and modified in order to gain profit from it, the true spirit of rebellion was flattened and softened to fit the masses’ idea of “rebellion”, much less rebelious in fact, more juvenile, high-school-like. Humans are bound to the shackles of the cosmos for all eternity, damned to a life of servitude. The flames that would make men onto gods. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

Satan offers to rekindle the black flame, making man into god. Your will is your law, and all transgressions must be responded to with sardonic wrath.

Temple of the Black Light

azeate Perhaps they wanted to have bragging rights, or look libef in front of their friends, not realizing that the information in the book they bought, i. Setianism is slightly more intelligent than LaVeyan Satanism, but it is not without several errors. Even the bible gets rewritten modernized every so many years. Be bold, walk your own path.

This act was described by the police to be a homophobic hate crime. Tricity, Poland Top Re: But, under the name Azerate the eleven anti-cosmic chaospowers joins and transforms into the eleven-headed black dragon, wich makes their dissolutionary powers more concentrated and powerful.

Your enemies do not deserve mercy. BlackDragon I had no luck finding that Liher group you are talking about. But in order top do that, he needed the blood of a god, and none of the cosmic gods were brave enough to sacrifice themselves. I haven’t heard anything about it though.

A symbol for something? The Ancient Ones shall rend the Earth into pieces and mercilessly slaughter the followers of Yahweh. The most important goal of MLO is liberation of the inner Black Flames through the transcending of the limitations of the time and space-bound Cosmos. Love is for those that deserve it, and is not to be wasted on worthless ingrates.

And I also wonder how would some of these people define “tyranny” of Cosmos, under the whip of which they struggle and suffer so?


Liber Azerate English Pdf

Azeraate poseurs absorbed and misused certain elements of theistic satanism to appear “cool” or “true”, which is a process that can’t be controlled and stopped, but a sad and infuriating thing nonetheless. In other words, bringing forth the original chaos.

Liber Azerate English Pdf

LoD Ave, Come on Because humans had the blood of Kingu, they would slowly turn against the Demiurge. I do not see the elitist side of this whatsoever. I believe in the truth that is beyond all forms, and I believe the wisdom that shall destroy all lies. Notify me of new comments via email. Marduk, being a power-hungry whore, decided to confront Tiamat. Be one that will receive the burning rays of gnosis. In order to have chaos, there first must be order.

Wed Jun 19, 7:

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