Tsunami is a more professional and efficient version of the network stress tester / denial of service tools known as LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) and Switchblade (Used for Layer 7 attacks).

Mac loic free download. LOIC-0 Low Orbit Ion Cannon - 0 (LOIC-0) The original Low Orbit Ion Cannon with interface improvements. Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC): Low Orbit Ion Cannon is an open source network stress testing and DOS attack software. It is written in C#. The developer behind this tool is praetox Technologies. It will work by providing the huge TCP and UDP packets on the target with the intention of disrupting its services.

Members of Anonymous are developing a new attack tool as an alternative to the LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) DDoS utility.

The move follows a spate of arrests thought to be connected to use of the LOIC, which by default does nothing to hide a user's identity.

The new tool, dubbed RefRef, due to be released in September, uses a different approach to knocking out websites. LOIC floods a targeted site with TCP or UDP packets, a relatively unsophisticated yet effective approach, especially when thousands of users use the tool to join voluntary botnets.

Low Orbit Ion Cannon Tutorial

RefRef, by contrast, is based on a more sophisticated application-level approach designed to tie up or crash the servers behind targeted websites instead of simply flooding them with junk traffic, according to a blog post on the development by an Anonymous-affiliated blog.

'Anonymous is developing a new DDoS tool,' the post explains. 'So far, what they have is something that is platform neutral, leveraging JavaScript and vulnerabilities within SQL to create a devastating impact on the targeted website.'

RefRef, which uses a 'target site's own processing power against itself' is undergoing field trials, with tests against Pastebin, the blog post by AnonOps Communications reports.

Arrests in UK, Spain and Turkey connected to LOIC-powered attacks have already prompted some core members of Anonymous to move towards using a new server and dropping LOIC in favour of other attack tools, such as Slow Loris and Keep-Dead DoS. This now seems to be purely a stop-gap measure while RefRef undergoes development.

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LOIC was originally developed for network stress-testing, but later released into the public domain where, years later, it became a weapon of choice for hacktivists, most notably in the Operation Payback attacks against financial service organisations that blocked accounts controlled by Wikileaks last December following the controversial release of US diplomatic cables.

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The problem with LOIC is that unless attacks are anonymised by routing them through networks, such as Tor, then users will be flinging junk packets that are stamped with their IP address at the targeted systems. These IP addresses can then be traced back to suspects by police.

Whether or not RefRef does a better job at anonymisation, by default, remains unclear but early experiments suggest that Anonymous is brewing a more potent attack tool. 'Supposedly, the tool will DoS a targeted website with ease,' Dancho Danchev, an independent cyber-threats analyst told El Reg. ®

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Low Orbit Ion Cannon

LOIC was first developed by Praetox Technologies and later released into the public domain, the source code is now freely available and you can download LOIC below as it’s now hosted on several open source platforms. Download low orbit ion cannon (LOIC) ddos attacking tool.

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The Low Orbin Ion Cannon performs a fairly basic TCP, UDP or HTTP DoS attack and when used by multiple individuals as it normally is, a DDoS attack. The popularity came about as it has a version by Anonymous with an IRC based control channel that allows people to join voluntary botnets and attack single targets.

Low Orbit Ion Cannon Download

It’s an interesting tool in that it’s often used in what are usually classified as political cyber-terrorist attacks against large capitalistic organisations. The hivemind version gives average non-technical users a way to give their bandwidth as a way of supporting a cause they agree with.

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