Major Works Data Sheet Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Title: Brave New World Author: Aldous Huxley Date of Publication: 1932 Genre: Dystopian Literature Biographical Information about the Author: Aldous Huxley was a British writer born in Surrey, England on July 26, 1894. He studied science at Eton, but a problem with his eyes. Major Works Data Sheet. Title: The Glass Menagerie. Author: Tennessee Williams. Date of Publication: 1944 (premiere) Genre: Drama, Memory Drama. Historical information about the period of publication: As the play premiered in 1944, that means that it. Was written during the beginning of World War II. And perhaps even the end of the 1930s, or the.

Major Works Data SheetSummer ReadingEnglish IIName: Alyssa TorresTitle of Book: ObasanAuthor: Joy KogawaDate of publication: 1981 – Lester & Orpen DennysGenre: Fiction/ Literature/ Asian Studies Point of View: First PersonPossible Themes: (Identify five possible themes for discussion). Theme is a central message or insight into life revealed by literary work.1. Racism2. Remembering vs. Ignorance3. The Benefits of SilenceIdentify external and internal conflicts: (Provide specific examples of each)One Internal conflict in Obasan was how Naomi had a very hard time accepting her painful past.Another internal conflict was how she finally found out, in the end, what had happened to her mother. For example:…show more content…
2. Page# 151“…We must always honor the wishes of others before our own. We will make the way smooth by restraining emotion . . . To try to meet one’s own needs in spite of the wishes of others is to be “wagamama”—selfish and inconsiderate . . . It is such a tangle trying to decipher the needs and intents of others…”Significance:The significance of this quote is that Naomi channels the voice of Obasan, and her other traditional relatives, in this explanation of what it means to be wagamama versus what it means to be generous and selfless. According to her characterization, it is important to be emotionally restrained not for the sake of your own dignity, but for the sake of other people’s happiness.3. Page# 232“…Aunt Emily, are you a surgeon cutting at my scalp with your folders and your filing cards and your insistence on knowing all? The memory drains down the side of my face, but it isn’t enough, is it? It’s your hands . . . pulling the growth from the lining of my walls, but bring back the anesthetist turn on the ether clamp down the gas and bring on the chloroform…”Significance:The significance of this quote describes how Naomi can no longer tolerate her Aunt’s constant nitpicking to remember her childhood. In chapter 29, she goes on a rant and is no longer concerned with suppressing her emotions for the comfort of those around her. Although she is furious, she isn’t necessarily directing her anger at her aunt—it’s


Monday, April 2: 1 question quiz – Their Eyes Were Watching God. Groups will present their storyboards as a visual to accompany the reading of their short story “Ordeal by Cheques”.

4/3: Analyzing tone and auditory imagery in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”.

4/5: How does Poe create a menacing tone? What literary devices does he incorporate to accomplish this?

4/9: Back to Poetry – The Juggler; watch AP Lit Help exam reader/grader/teacher on 2016 Q1 – advice for students and begin unpacking the poem

4/10: literal and figurative Analysis of The Juggler

4/12: in-class timed writing prompt for The Juggler; grade essays as a class

4/16: watch and discuss AP Lit Help exam reader/grader/teacher for 2016 Q2 & 3 and discuss advice students can intenalize for the exam…specifically organize by INSIGHT.

4/17: SAT 10 TESTING; HW: read 5 Steps to a 5 – Multiple Choice, pgs 31-43


4/23: read to finish THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD

4/24 & 4/26: DISCUSSION OF THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD; exam takeaways for characterization and relationships

4/30: fieldtrip


5/1: Open Ended Prompt 3 practice

5/3 – 5/7: Viewing and discussion of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

5/8: final review for AP LITERATURE exam tomorrow



3/5: Intro to Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This begins a brief unit study on Marquez’ contributions to literature and literary criticism theory.

3/6: What is Literary Theory or Criticism? Ppt

3/8: Taking each of the multiple lenses/literary theories, choose one classic novel and apply one of the Literary Theory lenses to the novel answering all of the questions for each Lense. Submit group work to sub before leaving class.

3/12: Discussion of PERT, ACT, SAT, Florida Bright Futures and enrollment of courses next year.

3/13-15: Students receive their assignment, “Ordeal by Cheque” and are divided into two groups. As individual groups, they are examining a series of checks that were written between 1903 – 1931; based on the amount of the checks, individuals written to and by, as well as amounts, each group will create their own short story that explains the progression of checks.

Students may work on their short stories the entire class and must talk in their groups to accomplish this task.

The completed story will be due on Tuesday, March 27; they will have the class 3/26 to go over last minute nuances of their stories.


3/26: type up loose ends of group stories based on “Ordeal by Cheque”; plan story boards to be presented on 4/2.

3/27:Reading and discussion of Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”; analysis of author’s intent, juxtaposition of repeated words, imagery, syntax. In conclusion: write a 2 sentence review of the ride Chopin takes readers on in this 2 page masterpiece.


3/29: Review English Skills: 4 Comma Rules; last minute story board presentations.


2/1: Discuss grades for and make suggestions on Student Sample essays for “The Dead”.


2/5: In-class, individual close reading annotation of Question 2: Dalton Trombo’s Johnny Got His Gun. Homework: Make a list of 10 human universal truths.

2/6: Video:, How To Annotate a Prompt for AP Literature – syntax focus – Trombo’s Johnny Got His Gun. Students compare their analysis to teacher led analysis. Discussion of the role of syntax and repetition in a literary work.

HABIT: literary analysis intro paragraph formula; discussion of/sharing universal truths from homework for consideration for H in intro paragraphs

INTRO PARAGRAPHS – HABIT (five sentences)

H=human truth
A=author and title
B=brief summary of work
I=intent of essay or intro to what will be accomplished

2/8: in-class timed writing of Trombo prompt; grade for effective use of formulaic intro and second grade for support/development of topic. Peer exchange and evaluation.

2/12: Prayer session for class

2/13: exchange Trombo analysis essays for peer evaluation. Assign Major Works Data Sheet for The Kite Runner due Tuesday, 2/20. Peer grading of World Lit Honors Frankenstein essay: how to offer constructive comments to writers.

2/15: Distribuite SHORT STORY UNITS and begin discussion of the most important elements to be aware of when reading short stories. Begin reading the first short story in class, “A Good Man is Hard to Find”. HOMEWORK: finish reading the O’Connor short story, reading story twice…second time for analysis using Guided Discussion Questions.

2/19: Student Holiday – President’s Day

2/20: discuss “A Good Man is Hard to Find” with in-depth analysis of how author constructed each piece of the story for a particular effect on the reader. HOMEWORK: read and annotate “A Rose for Emily” for discussion Thursday.

2/22: discussion of “A Rose for Emily”; justify Faulkner’s point-of-view/narrative structure for overall effect on the reader.



**The first 10 minutes of class on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be 5 Steps to a 5: Review questions in preparation for the exam.


Between 1/4 – 1/22, review the AP English Lit flashcards (all of them) a minimum of 5 times. Practice the WRITING quiz for each of the 5 times. Be ready, your ability determines whether one sitting will take 20 minutes are one hour. Screen shot your final results for 5 separate quiz grades this nine weeks. If you are not happy with the 5 quiz grades you earn, you may keep taking it until you get 5 quiz grades you like! However, I must receive all 5 screenshots by 1/23/18. You may send the screenshots as you earn them, one at a time. Use the link below to access the proper quiz.

1/8: Students present Frankenstein Sketch Notes

1/9: Completion of student presentations of Frankenstein Sketch Notes; in-class completion of Frankenstein Major Works Data Sheet. HOMEWORK: GIRLS, DON’T FORGET YOUR INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS DUE THURSDAY FOR THE DATA SHEET!

1/11: Share Major Works Data Sheet Info and discuss revelations. Use Power Prompts to integrate novels into practice. (Power Prompts are previous AP Lit Exam Prompts)

1/15: Holiday – NO SCHOOL

Major Works Data Sheet For Frankenstein

1/16: Question 2 in-class analysis essay on Mary Shelley; read student essays. HOMEWORK: BEGIN WRITING OPTOMIST CLUB ESSAY WHICH IS DUE MONDAY, JAN 22. TOPIC: “Can Society Function Without Respect?”

5. Essays must contain at least 700 wordsbut no more than 800 words. Every word of the essay is counted. This does not include the title, bibliography or footnotes. Hyphenated words count as 1 word (Deduction of 5 points for each 25 words over/under.)

1/18, 1/22, 1/23, 1/25: Detailed discussion and practice exercises on Chapter 3 of 5 Steps to a 5, AP Lit Exam Question 2 focusing on a passage from James Joyce’s “The Dead”.


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1/29: Begin reading and discussing essay contest entries on “Can Society Function Without Respect?”

1/30: Finish reading contest essays. Then analyze Mary Shelley Q2 essays and grade as a class.

Frankenstein Reading Schedule

Due 12/4: pgs 1-55

Due 12/7: pgs 56-111

Due 12/12: pgs 112-166



12/4: Discussion of Robert Walton from his letters to his sister; who is he?

12/5: What statements embody romanticism quiz; Analyzing art to explore Romanticism – The Raft of the Medusa

HW: finish examining the painting and defining the romantic elements in this painting.

12/7: continue discussion of Romantic Elements in The Raft. HW: Read and answer 4 questions to generate ideas for Creature’s Letter to Santa.

12/11: Write a letter to Santa from the Creature, instructions above.

12/12:Who is Victor Frankenstein? Define him using at least 3 rules from How To Read Literature Like a Professor

12/14: Semester Exam: Frankenstein novel discussion


11/2: Prep for Oedipus Rex: background info, Literary Period info, intro to playwright and the Greek theater as well as characters in the play. Homework: Create 5 for the three Oedipus Q3 prior exam prompts; due Monday.

11/6: Begin Oedipus reading; choose a Q3 prompt and trace the development of your essay through the text, highlighting support; identify recurring motifs and examples of literary terms present in text.


11/7-14: continue Oedipus Rex tracing literary elements and motifs

11/9: for the day, review Create 5 questions and collaborate on questions that will help each student respond to the Q3 prompt chosen. Go through the PROPEL Q3 – How to be Successful on Question 3 handout

11/16: Intro to Shakespeare and the Globe Theater ppt in preparation for November 17 viewing of “Taming of the Shrew” at TCC.

11/20:”I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died” focusing on form, structure, and analysis.


Critic Reviews On Frankenstein Book

11/21: Q3 Timed Writing for Oedipus.


11/27: Receive Frankenstein materials. Bring all materials and novel to each class. HOMEWORK: Look up and write definition of Prometheus on gray sticky notes.

Remember, the story of Frankenstein is told in frames like Russian dolls.

Frankenstein’s Frames:

11/28: Over the next three weeks of reading Frankenstein, you will create 3 single pages of Sketch notes for the novel—one for each of the frames of the novel listed above: Walton’s letters to his sister, Victor’s story to Walton, and The Creature’s story to Victor. To begin, create a brief summary of the first 3 times each of these different parts takes place; that will help you decide how to focus your sketch notes.

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SKETCHNOTES should include: 1)important quotes, 2)names and drawings of people & places – stick figures work! 3)shapes, text boxes, arrows, 4)doodles that come to mind when you read, 5)anything more that comes to mind!

The idea is that you create visual connections between the text you read and the information from the text that you want to internalize to create meaning.

Intro to the Victorian Era and Romantic Literary Period

Assign reading calendar.

11/30: Intro to Mary Shelley and Frankenstein.


10/2:In-class analysis and discussion of Frost’s “Mending Wall”; in-class writing on the marriage of form and content in Frost’s poem.

“We Real Cool” Analysis

10/3: Frost Timed Writing. Review the 9 point grading scale for Question 3 on the AP exam.

10/5: Discuss 2016 Question 3 prompt on a deceptive character. Review/discuss/grade student samples and then grade each student’s comparing to the 8,5,3 student samples provided by Collegeboard.

10/9: Review and discuss “Mending Wall” and read/grade class’s timed writings.

10/10: Break into pairs and work on 15 lines of Mending Wall per pair: literal meaning, figurative meaning, direct relationship to title, line #s where it is not iambic pentameter – why did the author change structure there?

10/12: Each group teaches their 15 line section to the rest of the class. In – class timed essay on Frost’s marriage of form and content in “Mending Wall”. Continuing study to teach students how to EXAMINE a poem; students having difficulties with concept. Homework for 10/16: 1-write 40 minute timed write in blue book. Topic: How does Frost marry form and content to create meaning in his poem? 2- finish original sonnet due Monday.

10/16:ORIGINAL SONNET DUE; READ ALOUD TO THE CLASS; class will analyze your form, theme, and structure.

10/17: Why analyze a poem instead of simply enjoying the beauty of the poem? Examine “Theme for English B”.

Major Works Data Sheet Frankenstein

10/19: Turn in worksheets on “Theme for English B”. Free-write: What is tragedy? Picasso’s painting – optic activity; Wisdom and its link to tragedy video. Homework: read The Poetics of Tragedy

10/23:The Poetics Quiz; Intro to Greek Tragedy, Sophocles, and Oedipus ppt

10/24:Greek Tragedy, Sophocles, and Oedipus ppt

10/26: Group in-class discussion, reading and answering questions on Practice Multiple Choice

10/30:Group in-class discussion, reading and answering questions on Practice Multiple Choice

10/31: Review the Multiple Choice test and go over incorrect answers with explanations.








12/16 – 1/2/18: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS


8/14: Intro to class; What is text? Complexity is the key to reading and understanding art and literature…layers. View: Pieter Brugal’s painting. HW: COMPLEX-What makes you complex? Due 8/15 Bring in a large paper bag containing 6 things that define you.

8/15:Present individual Complexity assignments. What does COMPLEXITY in literature look like?

8/17: OBSERVE, FIND PATTERNS, DRAW CONCLUIONS. Examine TEXT “The Fall of Icarus”. Write 1 Pager: Choose ANY quote from The Great Gatsby and write a one page reflection/analysis of the quote…your feelings, perceptions about the quote.


8/22:.Collect Summer Reading Assignments; analyze Auden/Williams Icarus poems. HW: Read and analyze Jones/Sexton’s Icarus.

8/24: Distribute YELLOW PAGES and POWWOW Notebooks. Begin Gatsby discussion in relation to HTRLLAP. HW: RE-READ THE GREAT GATSBY FOCUSING ON CHARACTERIZATION AS DEFINED IN YOUR YELLOW PAGES. Students will be assigned one character to focus on. Whole book and characterization study due 8/29.

8/28:OBSERVE, FIND PATTERNS, DRAW CONCLUIONS. Examine TEXT “Landscape of the Fall of Icarus” and other Icarus poems in POWWOW Notebooks. TPCASTT the last two Icarus poems.

8/29: What is the American Dream of each character in GG? Have they already achieved it? What does each character need or think they need to achieve it?

8/31: What are archetypes in literature? Examining handout in AP LIT Handbook for the different archetypes. Are any of these visible in GG?



9/5: Characterization Analysis: Daisy and Tom – characters in GG.

9/7: Continue Characterization Analysis discussion for each of the major characters in GG. Timed in-class 40 minute writing using 2017 AP Lit Exam Question 3 prompt.



9/14: Characterization discussion of George and Myrtle – GG

9/18: Complete character discussion of Gatsby and Nick – GG

01.06b Frankenstein Major Works Data Sheet

Major Works Data Sheet Frankenstein

9/19:Introduction to Poetry and Reading a Poem: 20 Strategies from The Atlantic. HW: DUE 9.26.17 – COMPLETE CHEAT SHEET FOR THE GREAT GATSBY.

9/21: What is the difference between Structure and Form? John Donne’s “Holy Sonnet IX” and Mark Jarman’s “Unholy Sonnet” analysis; Types of Poems handouts, Sonnets Parts and Form.

9/25: Start the Rhythm, Rhyme Scheme, and Meter ppt. FOR HOMEWORK: finish reading through the ppt to discuss in class tomorrow. Be ready to elaborate on the structure of a sonnet. Focus on differences between Petrarchan, Shakespearean, and Spencerian sonnets.

9/26: Begin Rhythm, Rhyme Scheme, and Meter ppt to elaborate on the structure of a sonnet.

9/28: Fixed verse forms, blank verse and free verse with “We Real Cool”, HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY, 0CT 2: Read and analyze for literal and figurative meanings “The Red Wheelbarrow”and “The Mending Wall”. YOU MUST, MUST READ THIS ANALYSIS OF “WE REAL COOL”!!HW: Write an original sonnet; due 10.12.17